I love the nostalgia memories you cherish and took time to share. I love how as a mother are you recognized the need for your daughter to enjoy an amazing birthday party, so you found some little girls her age to attend. Little things like that in your story shows so much love! Thank you Joan! I really enjoyed reading your memoir.

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Thank you so much for noticing that. At 5 it was motel people, at 6 she’d just started kdg ina new town… teacher gave me names of a few girls who sat near her. The moms made it happen. By 7 she was established and loved doing her own invites 😅 appreciate your feedback, dear friend! 🤗💕

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So much joy here, Joan! I love how you shared your story through the homes you lived in and the journeys you took over the years. All the sweet memories. Wonderful photos.

And thank you for the mention. You were one of my earliest friends here, and a great cheerleader! Thank you so much for letting us into your life.💕❤️🙏🫶

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Thanks Mary…each house had something special, something to recall that touched our lives. Amazing looking at each one brought back those moments. ❤️Much love and grateful for your comment; I always like knowing Mary liked it! 😄😘

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This was so fun to read! My birthday is December 17th so I love how that date tied in! What a fun idyllic life ❤️❤️ Thanks for the tag and for sharing this piece of your life with us ❤️❤️

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Thanks Mesa! Our daughter’s Jan birthday is 17… for years we played 17 at the casino games! 😅😂 it was fun to recall and write about! Happy to find you here, get to read and know you! Much love for reading me. 🥰😊

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I love that! 17 is the number I've always played too!! Happy to get to know you here!! 😍

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Joan, thanks for the mention. This story is one of my favorites. Your experiences and descriptions made me feel like I was there adventuring from house to house. Bravo🎉💙💕

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It all sounds like adventures now… wonder if there were roadblocks? Seems we remember the good times, right? My kids and old pics helped! Thanks for reading and reststacking me, appreciate you!

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It’s my pleasure, Joan! Photos don’t lie, and perhaps we are made to remember good times!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Joan Stommen

My wife is from Bridgeport (CT) and I love (love) N.E. We're in PA now but miss those few years. Loving that desk in the attic, Joan!

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Ha! Her card table in the unfinished second floor… it was her room eventually! 😅 she adapted well after so many moves! 😄

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I’m catching up on reading your posts. Boston! I love that area so much. I have to say I envy that you had this opportunity to live in such a culture rich area. Boston has it all: history, baseball, lobster, parks, museums, walking tours. Your life just outside of “the center of the universe” was in another place I loved visiting. You certainly did have a very full life there! Wife, mom, writer, teacher, and student, and you did it all well and with a lot of energy. Thanks for sharing these stories from your past.

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Oh wow Sally, I love you for such kind words and the compliments! I love that you know Boston so well… every thing you mention is in my memories, in my heart. And I thank you for cheering me on; reading my stories! What a wonderful friend you are.Big Hugs! 🤗🤗

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Truly love your thoughtful, beautiful piece for so many reasons. Sending to my Baby Boomer mother who I once thought did a rather reckless job of raising me, and to my sadly, grown-up too fast eldest daughter who just graduated from a college in the great state of Massachusetts. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with the world.

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Oh Joan! I am smiling ear to ear after reading this! I laughed out loud with the strikethroughs and the fact that you asked your son to confirm details for your story, and he mentions that he walked in on you and your hubby! lol! It's hilarious that we find certain things out long after we thought we never got caught!! or "they never got caught!" ha ha! I've had a few, "what? you did that when you were in high school?" Loved every minute of reading about your New England adventure! It sounded so cool! Everything I love and crave in life! I often wonder why my parents didn't immigrate to the east coast (like most people from England!) but aviation at the time was better in Southern California.

Thank you for putting those newspaper articles in! Yes please! brag! Love the pictures too! You are such a neat lady and your accomplishments are many. You and Mary Roblyn inspire me! I am so glad you are both hear! Sending you a huge hug! oxox

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Now I’m laughing cause I know you get it… when our groen kids tell something we never knew! I didn’t realize till I was proofing that those sentences about my kids sounded so careless! That was before all the warnings and worries I guess. Left them in to see if it added humor! 😂😅No one’s reported me yet! Thanks sweet girl, you’ve made my day liking this and sharing your thoughts. That always mean so much to me! 😊😅🫶Love you! 💕

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It was definitely funny! I can remember my parents driving us in a white station wagon with us floating around in the back of it! My brother's baby seat, like "Matilda's!" omgoodness! I drove an old VW Bus, "air" in front, with baby seat strapped in front next to me!! That's a story too! We're far past being reported!! (I hope!). I so enjoyed this story! Thank you, as well, for supporting me! It means the world! love you. ox

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Joan,what a beautiful piece chock full of memories and photos. We did one of the close moves in Arizona. The other side of a small park. In some ways it’s the best way to move. Always look forward to reading your posts.

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Yes! Same school, friends, routines. We were gypsy-like, or maybe flippers of today 😄😂But every new place enriched our lives! Thanks for your kind words, Monica… much love and gratitude. 🥰😘💕

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A wonderful 'tour' of these moments and homes of your life, Joan. So fun to see the pictures to go along with the memories. And hooray for beloved bookshelves! A bookshelf just helps a place feel like home in my opinion. :)

And thank you for the mention. 😊

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Thanks for picking up on that Petra… they always enhanced a wall somewhere in each house. They stayed with the last house. The buyer wanted them and I had no idea where I’d end up. I have a little car now for my books and photos! I’m glad you’re her and we’ve connected! Going to read more of your pieces soon! 😊🫶

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Aw shucks, thanks for the mention, Joan . Ya had me with this one—pinch me!! I think I’ve had whole lobster 3 times in my life.

“Learning to eat a whole lobster fresh out of the pot was interesting…a lifetime skill we didn’t know we needed!”

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Of course …I’m delighted to know you and your project! Lobster boils parties were a thing… I remember so clearly trying to be nonchalant while I watched how to do it. Love the taste… a lot of work to eat it! Appreciate you reading….for being my new friend! 🥰🫶👏

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I loved the strikethroughs! I'm impressed that your kids were wearing helmets, that wasn't a thing back then. These are great stories Joan, keep them coming!

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Ha… I did it after rereading and thinking omg! That wouldn’t fly today. They were both in hockey by age five as daddy was a coach… so helmets/head safety was on our radar… we did that right! 😄😅Thanks for reading my sweet friend! Love and hugs! 😘🤗🤗

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Although I am a born-and-bred Midwesterner, New England is always my favorite destination. I loved reading about your different homes.

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Thanks Liz, it was fun to recall and write. I loved our time there. We went back to visit over the years… so many favorite places! Appreciate you reading, my friend! Much love and hugs! 💕🫶🤗

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Joan Stommen

.. am simply exhausted - just reading this ! Love the ‘strike throughs too.. Reminds of my big Sis Ellen in regard to being ‘a Master Educator.. in way far - so many ways ! Whether @ home, in school .. or myriad ways in between - or the even the peripheries !

Haha she had you beat with ‘location though ! St Anne’s School was 2 houses away / across the road - for three kids, havin your Mom as Principal lent a certain unusual status ! That was their second & current home ! Their Dad an educator too.. and two of the three ‘kids’ are Teachers today - one a published writer (as is their Mom !)

Aint seen all or most of her photos.. but their wedding present for themselves was the Pentax Spotmatic SLR - that instantly triggered my immediate interest in photojournalism ! Oddly, I’ve never seen that single Shot !

That you’ve captured such excellent docu over the years is ‘Special .. Priceless in my ‘view ! 🦎🏴‍☠️📸

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What a nice compliment Thomas…priceless documenting! I like that. Thanks for sticking with it for 7 minute read…exhausting yourself for me! Love your family tale too… you get it having our own kids in class/school! I always cherish your thoughts and feedback, Thomas. Thanks again for being here and encouraging me! 🫶🫶🥰

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Thank you, Joan, for letting me in on your family memoir. What happy memories you and your kids have. Thank you also for including me in your mention at the end. I very much appreciate it and you.

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It was fun looking back at are lives via houses! I get inspiration from you Patricia…you’re mentioned in my next piece too! Thanks for reading! 🥰❤️

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Aww, thank you, Joan. 😁❤

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Oh wow…sending to your mom and daughter! I am honored you liked it that much! As for the strikeouts…we were great moms! Our kids turned out just fine tell her! I only realized as I was proofreading how those sentences sounded in today’s world! 😅😄Thank you so much for your kind words, Kristen! So nice to meet you and start reading you! Thanks for subscribing! 😊🥰🫶❤️

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