Jun 19Liked by Joan Stommen


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Dear Joan, this is beautiful (except you gave me tears, and that's okay!). I love how you use the word "reframe" and how you change things up to grab hold of life and keep moving forward. The walk before the coffee! Is that working? I should try it! As you know, your writing makes me think of my mama and dad. Her missing piece of the puzzle. Although my brother is with her - it's not the same. Her eyes are terrible and I'm afraid she's not being encouraged enough (but I practice kindness vs frustration). We are separated by a lot of miles. All these slow to fail body parts I can relate to, even in my 60's - mostly from the blessings of life. The shoulder pain inherited (I relate to that pain and not being able to do a good portion of a yoga class. Do not like child's pose!!). You are learning all the sports yells/terms and oh gosh I could feel this. I just love your beautiful attitude. Thank you for this deeply honest piece of writing. oxoxox. P.S. LOVE your pictures! You look great!

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Grab hold of life…I love this phrase! Walking early before too hot is a thing…I do it most days. Sets the mood and gives me a kickstart. I trick myself ….don’t set up coffe night before, wear a hat and sunnies to go makeup free/bed head 😅. Turn on my playlist asa I’m out of bed to tell my brain we walk then sit. Thanks for such great feedback and your attention to detail… means so much to me if Deborah liked it! Love you, kiddo… you get me and your heart is front and center like mine! 🥰Thanks for being you! ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Joan Stommen

Joan, walking before coffee? Good for you!! And what a wonderful way to honor your husband - by stepping up for your grandkids, learning their sports, cheering as he would have. Makes me smile thinking about that and how proud of you he must be!

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I’m starting too… most days! Thanks for reading, cheering me on! 🫶💕🤗 See your baby boy soon?

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Jun 13Liked by Joan Stommen

9 more days! But who’s counting? 😂

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Another beautiful and heart-felt read Joan.

I just love you!

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Awww…thanks for this! Love you too, friend! How wonderful we’ve connected! 🫶❤️

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Great one today, Joan. I’m just opening Substack later than usual!

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Thank you, Diane! 💙🫶😊

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"changing our sorrow to joy in being alive." I relate so much to your column, Joan. Gratitude can really reshape the way we look at things. I miss Tim deeply, and am mad that he didn't get that colonoscopy. But I also know that life is such a gift and we need to honor it and keep moving forward. And you're so right...we modify to accommodate the shoulder, the knee, the whatever. Aging is growing and I'm learning to be gentle and more patient with myself. HUGS. And thanks for a lovely, inspiring, and honest essay. ❤️✌️

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Oh Susan, you’ve touched me with these words, I know you feel like this at times. I love your comments, honest feedback, my friend! You’re such a caring person! Thank you for the coffee…again! So kind of you ❤️Much love and gratitude! 🫶💕🥰

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I read your post & have taken 3 hours to come up with an encouraging response. Clearly you are a positively motivated lady who now faces life without your visible, tangible, partner. Just now, I was reminded of another positive lady, Corrie ten Boom. If you know her story, then I need not write any more. If you don’t know her story, she wrote two books ; The Hiding Place and Tramp for the Lord. They were made into movies with her participation, available on YouTube. Like you, Corrie kept on moving and serving. I hope that no one is offended by Psalm 34:19 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Blessings, Phil

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I do know Corrie’s story! Thank you for thinking I’m like her, wow! Appreciate you reading and being moved by my words, Phil…so kind of you to take the time to read and comment. Appreciate your reminder about serving the Lord and his people. I try. 🙏🫶❤️

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Saying yes a lot is a godsend, isn't it?

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Oh yes…funny how that works! If I commit, I seldom bail. Keeps us going, engaged with others! Thanks for reading Liz…you always get it/get me! 😅🫶🥰

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What a lovely piece, Joan. I have to say I thought of you when I mentioned losing a spouse in my post. It seems to me you have an optimistic nature, always making the most of what life throws at you, good or bad. Thank you so much for mentioning me again and including a link to my article. I really appreciate that. By the way, you look great in your sports outfit!

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Thank you again, sweet friend …love your kind comments! Your posts are inspiring with your research and the science behind all that you write. I do believe in positivity…too Pollyanna sometimes! 😄🫶💕

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Jun 15Liked by Joan Stommen

I'm thinking walking before or without coffee can't be healthy! Encouraging words have you for your readers, Joan!

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Ha! Not healthy to sit too long with it either! Gotta walk by 7 ish before ifs 80+degrees. Thanks for reading Ron! ☺️

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Good point!

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Another wonderful essay. Your late husband is proud of you. And he'll be with you always. ❤️❤️

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Thank you…thanks for saying this sweet man! I think so too! 😊

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Widow warriors… I miss him “having my back.” It has now been 8 years and I have said yes more often.

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So poignant and beautiful. Thank you.

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