Dear Joan, oh my goodness! I absolutely love your home and moving stories. They are the stories of our life! They define us and they don't define us!! I have written a small series of Stories of Home and you might be mortified! God usually challenged us with "Love Thy Neighbor" if you get my drift. That house you moved to this time! Oh what a mid-century charmer! So glad you had the beautiful memories. That's what counts. Also sticking together as a family and walking forward through the storms. You should be so proud. Love you. Love that you're sharing your stories. They are so meaningful and honest. oxox

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I can so relate to your story. All the ups and downs, but together as a family. My two daughters moved around with us. I think it was good experience for them. They both excel in people skills as adults. I can’t wait for your next chapter.

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What a hard story to tell, but dreams do not always end the way we dreamed they would. Growth comes from such stuff as this. (I hate the truth of that poorly worded truth, but we do grow from such times.) Looking forward to reading the next chapter!

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Thanks for reading and cheering me on, Sally! You make me smile with your enthusiasm and caring about what comes next! 😊 Stumbling blocks caught up with us and we learned to scramble over them quickly. Wasn't always easy with tears and disagreements, I'm sure...but we had each other...in the "this is us" sense ...in it together for better or worse. Much love and hugs sweet friend!

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Thanks for the love and hugs. You made it together. That’s a huge accomplishment.

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Jun 24Liked by Joan Stommen

Isn’t that the truth! Age has a way of making us so much more conservative in our choices, but thinking about all of life we would miss out on, I’m not sure it’s a good thing!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

You are so right...maybe I was growing tired of the moving, job changing...but I believed in him, knew he'd be happier and that the kids and I would adjust. We have great memories and lifelong friends from all the places we lived. Thanks for caring, sweet friend! Love and hugs 😊🤗

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Jun 24Liked by Joan Stommen

Joan, thank you for sharing such personal stories! I am loving hearing about your homes, the joy of being near family and the difficulties that followed which made your family stronger. The photos are priceless! Can’t wait to hear where you end up next!

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Thank you dear Cherie… you get it! We had tough times along with the told us best of times…nothing stays the same. We made it work and the kids delight in looking back now at all we did, and how we just up and did it! 😅A lot more thought would go into such life changes today!

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I love your stories of going back home. In 1986 you moved back to Michigan, and that was the year we moved from there. So many similarities, it's like reading the stories of an old friend! Thank you so much for recommending my posts, that means a lot!

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Well let’s be old friends, Monica! Feels like I know you too! 😊thanks for your kind words and always cheering me on! Love and hugs for you! 🥰🤗

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Thank you so much for restacking, @Jo Christian (they/them) Appreciate you! 😍❤️

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